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CALL: 510-671-6226

Book Your Free Coaching Session

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During the call you'll have an in-depth conversation about:

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Where you are

Define current status quo in order to push past it.

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Where you want to be

What is the target?

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Roadblocks in your way

What's standing in the way?

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Suggestions specific to your situation

This is a personalized call. You'll walk away with actionable items.


Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work?

There are no contracts or long-term commitments, although we do request a 6-month good faith effort. The coaching relationship goes from month to month and you are free to stop coaching at any time if you feel it is no longer benefiting you and your business.

All coaching sessions are one hour long and are conducted over the phone twice a month. During your coaching sessions you may:

* Set goals for the next 3 to 6 months
* Identify roadblocks and problems that are holding you back
* Identify some of the behaviors and habits that may be derailing you
* Create a short and long term plan
* Set goals and action steps to make the plan work

So why choose Polaris One?

I have a proven track record as a business and sales coach. I understand the challenges and issues you are facing. I have over 30 years of experience in business, sales and sales management. I work hard to ensure that my relationships with my clients are built on trust and I will work with you closely to help you achieve your business goals and get things done.

What can I expect?

Together, we'll work to make the most of your natural talents and find ways to work around your weaknesses.

We'll set business goals and think through key business decisions.

What about my ROI (return on investment)?

You are in business and you want to increase your bottom line as quickly as possible.

There is one thing for certain, there are some expenses that will fall straight to the bottom line and are a cost of doing business and there are expenses that will increase revenue. Coaching is an investment that you make in your business that will increase revenue. Executive coaching will get you to where you want to go sooner.

Coaching will help you to reach or exceed your business goals in less time.

You will gain more financially with a coach.

How can I ask a question?

Use the contact form and we'll get back to you soon or send an email to

Still have a question? Contact us.
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Phone Number: 510-671-6226
Photo of the Golden Gate Bridge